59. How Would Medicaid Losses in Approved Section 1115 Medicaid Work Experiment States Affect Community Health Centers?

June 2, 2019

Policy Brief

A new analysis  estimates the impact of Medicaid work requirements  in Arizona, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Arkansas,   Kentucky and New Hampshire on beneficiaries who get care at community health centers.  Across these seven states, 120,000 to 169,000 adult Medicaid health center patients are at risk of losing coverage.  As a result of declining Medicaid coverage, health centers would experience a deep reduction in Medicaid revenue, ranging from one percent of total revenue on the low end to ten per cent on the high end, or an estimated $89 million to $125 million in patient care revenue across all seven states. As a result, health centers would be forced to reduce staff by 815 to 1,145 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff members, and consequently, would serve fewer patients. Overall, it is expected that 104,000 to 147,000 health center patients in these states could lose access to care.

The analysis was conducted by Jessica Sharac, Peter Shin and Sara Rosenbaum.

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