Data Note: Key Updates from the Health Center COVID-19 Survey (Week #10): Two-Thirds of Health Center Patients with Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 are Racial/Ethnic Minorities.

June 18, 2020

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A new data note summarizes and analyzes survey data collected by HRSA, as reported for June 5th, 2020. Among the key findings:

  • The percentage of health center patients who tested positive for COVID-19 was 14.8 percent, more than twice as high as the national rate, while the percentage of positive tests at Look-Alike centers was 10.9 percent.
  • Consistent with the report documenting the disproportionate burden of COVD-19 on racial and ethnic minority communities, approximately two-thirds (65 percent) of all health center patients who tested positive for COVID-19 were identified as racial or ethnic minorities. At look-alike centers,  more than three quarters of those who tested positive were identified as racial or ethnic minorities.
  • One in 7 health center sites remains closed.
  • The high rate of COVID-19 positive patients,  disproportionate  positive rate among minority patients, and continued closure of access points  indicate that health centers will require greater and ongoing financial support.

The data note was authored by Jessica Sharac, Rebecca Morris, James Hernandez, Maria Velasquez, Peter Shin, Sara Rosenbaum, Feygele Jacobs.

Download the Data Note