1. How Does Investment in Community Health Centers Affect the Economy?

February 26, 2008

Policy Brief

The economic slowdown has prompted policymakers to focus on investments that can produce rapid economic gains in communities. Building on a previous analysis, this Research Brief estimates that a $250 million appropriations increase in the community health centers program would yield health care for an additional 1.8 million patients and a nationwide four-to-one return on investment:

  • nearly $1 billion in direct community economic benefits, and
  • over $1.1 billion in indirect benefits in jobs and other community investments.

On a state-by-state basis, each $1 million in federal appropriations would assure care for an additional 8,400 patients and a six-to-one rate of return with more than $6 million in direct and indirect economic benefits.

The brief was authored by Peter Shin, Brad Finnegan and Sara Rosenbaum.

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