The Health Care Challenge Facing Puerto Rico Infographic
Poverty 3x Higher in Puerto Rico than mainland US
Poorer Health
The island's residents are nearly 2x as likely to report being in fair to poor health and have higher rates of chronic disease such as diabetes and heart disease.
Higher Rate of Tropical Diseases
Puerto Rico reported ~35,000 cases of Zika vs ~5,000 cases in on U.S. mainland.
Higher Unemployment
10% unemployed in Puerto Rico vs 4% in 50 states + DC.
With higher poverty and unemployment, more are covered by public health programs.
Population covered by Medicaid or CHIP in Puerto Rico.
Population covered by Medicaid or CHIP on mainland U.S.
Puerto Rico's health clinics are facing extraordinary need, while most private clinics are shuttered.
As of mid-October, 83 of 93 health center sites are open, but conditions are far from normal. An assessment of 70 sites found:
More than half of all communities lack access to clean drinking water.
7 in 10 say their communities need food.
85% say residents need personal hygiene products.
Communication and power hardest hit. Only 13% have power, many on generators.
~60% without internet and most without stable phone.
All report vector control needed to prevent bites and insect-borne illness.
The Community Health Center Fund, which represents 70% of federal health center grant funds, expired on September 30 and legislation to extend it is pending in Congress.